Sardinia, Film Festivals and mignight thoughts


Passion is a latin word and is almost the same in any latin language pasione (it), pasiĆ³n (es), passion (fr), etc. In german is written Leidenschaft wich is a composition of two words that literally means “TO suffer for something”. It can’t define better what passion is and from where does it comes in my opinion any form of art. From suffering. Most of the great artists in the history, and most of the people that made history they suffered something strong at some point of their life, and what they did, what it came out of that suffering, their way to escape it was what it made them big and exceptional.

It was a german director who told me this yesterday at one in the night after a screening session in Festival of Nations in Austria. One of those people that you can consider yourself very lucky to meet, one of those that you share so many things in common, worries, curiosities, anecdotes, experiences, that you could be days just talking about everything, and that apart from that has made probably one of the top 3 short movies I have ever seen, if not the best. I came to this festival following just an instinct that told me there was something waiting for me here, and if it was just to meet him is already enough.

One of the best chances and privileges I’ve had the last years have been to participate in this Film Festivals most of all for all the incredible people I have met, really a treasure worth millions for me. People you would never meet otherwise. I really cant thanks life enough for giving me the chance to live this. Surrounded by this people you feel understood and even normal. Everytime I leave one of this festivals I leave full of inspiration and good energy and this time is going to be the same. It’s being amazing times, first the time and the amazing second home Sardinia and the production of one of my best promotionals there, now this, then Switzerland, Norway, Sweden and getting ready for the big fish: The Himalayas.

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